When considering the advantages of fuel card services, you may only think of per gallon discounts or discounts given at certain stations. The reality is that a great fleet fuel card gives you so much more than the technology that comes with it.
Fuel card services can provide you with fuel reporting, customization, and controls right from your desk as you coordinate your fleet’s day to day activities. You will be able to see measurable differences in your fleet’s expenditures with this technology offered by fuel card services.
Here are a few examples of the technologies behind fuel cards.
Fuel cards work best when they are connected to a robust reporting system. Typical systems usually work with real-time fuel tracking that is visible to you through an online dashboard.
An added bonus is notifications to alert you of pressing issues with your transactions. Plus, having all of your transactional information in one place saves you time compared to paper receipt tracking. You can say goodbye to the hassle that comes with having to manually enter each receipt into a spreadsheet.
No two fleets are the same. Therefore, it’s important to have a fleet fuel card that can be customized to the needs of your specific fleet.
Technology provides the customization that puts control into the hands of the fleet manager. For example, customization allows you to set real time limits like gallons per fill-up and per day. Some cards even allow you to specify type of fuel or time of day to improve asset management. Additionally, text messages alerts can be sent to your phone, triggered by limits you set.
Technology that allows you to control settings from right inside the reporting website is key to an efficient reporting tool. This allows you to override limits when necessary, like when a truck in your fleet needs on-road technician service. This makes it easy for fleet managers to controls expenditures and avoid the hassle of reimbursing drivers.
Monitoring your fleet’s fuel expenditures has never been easier than with the Fuelz Fleet Card. You can manage your expenses while your drivers are out and about with our dynamic fuel reporting, card customization and real time controls. This helps significantly decrease the chances of fraud and abuse of your fleet fuel card.
FuelZ is committed to having long term relationships that are profitable for our customers. Our nationwide network of stations will keep your fleet rolling, no matter what size it is. Contact us today and start saving with the FuelZ card.