When you have a company like Fuelz in town, you have a neighbor who cares.
But at the end of the day, we know that what really matters is your company, your trucks and your drivers.
Sure, we make a great fuel card – but you’re the one using it.
Over countless miles, on thousands of roads, it’s swiped inside hundreds of pumps and records the numbers that cross your desk constantly and directly affect your business. You’re the one who has to maintain control of those figures across all of your vehicles, driven by your diverse personnel, and account for every dollar that they spend.
Whether you’re based in Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia or Florida – your company is counting on you to bring home the most miles for the least bucks.
That’s where Fuelz comes in. We know your job, your goals and the consistent pressure for you to cut more fat from the cost of fuel. That can happen in a variety of ways, and it’s your choice to pick which to emphasise, whether it’s vehicle mod, driver training or smart logistics.
It’s inevitable, and the goal of every other program in your company is to shave away that expense. So at Fuelz that’s where we take our stand…to bring you more options in how you can stay lean as you power your fleet.
We care about how many options we can give you because home to us is Alabama and Georgia. We understand our customers because we live near them – we’re not a faceless credit card company – everyone who we work with lives practically next door on a little stretch of America nestled South, between the Atlantic seaboard and the Mississippi river.
That let’s us help you to reach the fuel goals that you’re aiming for, probably better than any other company, because we understand where you’re coming from.
Despite our focus on southern communities, we also know America. Our cards have a national reach; we’ve made sure they’re accepted all over the United States, wherever your drivers travel.
We’ve also made it a point to support the fleets of non-profit companies and the public sector, which means our cards are adaptable to those groups like schools and institutions that may have tax exempt status. We’re not just in business for the sake of business – we strive to give back to our communities.
Our hope is that non-profit organizations that have similar fleet requirements to private companies, but with fewer resources, will turn to us to learn how we can help them customize fueling and maximize their spending.
That’s part of what the Fuelz card, and our company is all about: to provide great benefits for our communities and their educational, governmental and other non-profit groups.
Those are just some of the benefits of using a Fuelz card, which transfers the center of power from your drivers on the road, to you at the desktop.
It’s safer for your business, your fleet and keeps everything running just as it should be. To find out more about what Fuelz can do for the vehicle expenses in your business, school or institution, call us and tell us your story.
We would love to meet a new neighbor.
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