With gas prices going up and down depending on the season, it can be hard to manage your personal gas budget, much less for an entire fleet. This uncertainty combined with the added simplicity of using a single card rather than reimbursing receipts or handing out credit cards has made fuel cards essential for proper fleet management.
Fuelz Fleet Card is Arkansas’ premiere fleet fuel card allowing managers to not only keep an eye on the fleet’s gas usage, but customize the experience to perfectly suit your fleet with our built-in fuel management tools. With such features as real-time exception alerts, customizable purchasing limits and adaptable set-up options, Fuelz Fleet Cards are the flexible option you need to take care of your fleet not just in your home state of Arkansas, but across the nation.
Fuelz is an Alabama-based fuel company that offers significant benefits to your company. You can be anywhere in Arkansas, from the Ozarks to Little Rock Fuelz has gas stations all along the way that accept our fleet card.
Arkansas businesses are already beginning to appreciate what Fuelz has to offer. Our motto is that we offer “A Fleet Fuel Card By a Fuel Company, Not a Credit Card Company.” We pride ourselves in fuel management solutions being simple to implement and customizable to fully meet your fleet’s needs. Our team has over 40 years of experience in the fuel industry are dedicated to making your fleet run smoothly.
No matter what a fuel card offers, the most important thing for a fleet is saving money. The Fuelz fleet Card solution will provide comprehensive reporting on where each dollar is spent on fuel and can save you as much as 15% on your fleet spending.
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Fuelz offers a fantastic network of fueling stations in the state of Arkansas. Not sure of where the nearest gas station on Interstate 40 is? Just visit our Fuelz Site Locator.
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